Archive for the ‘Clean Fuel’ Category

Gasoline Extraction and Disposal Safety Concerns

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

WARNING: The extraction, transfer and disposal of Gasoline should only be performed by a professional company which understands the high risk of flammable ignition caused by static electricity.

Learn how Dr. Fuel Clean can Safely Extract, Transfer and Dispose of your Gasoline!

EPA SPCC Violations and Fines gain speed in 2010

Monday, March 29th, 2010

EPA seems to be gearing up to a new level with inspection and enforcement within the SPCC compliance programs.

Fines in 2009 administered for SPCC violations seemed to be assessed in proportion to each facilities size which ranged from $1000 to $200k.

SPCC Compliance Date Amendment

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

EPA SPCC compliance date is quickly arriving! ASK how we can help?

“On June 19, 2009, EPA published in the Federal Register a SPCC compliance date extension for all facilities until November 10, 2010. Facilities must amend or prepare, and implement SPCC Plans by the compliance date (more…)

Diesel Fuel Additives – who’s the best

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Stabilizing fuel through regular chemical dosing is a must in today’s fuels. Heavy and rapid degradation can cause fuel to be unusable in some end user applicationsĀ  in as little as 12 months.

Part of Dr Fuel Cleans – Quality Assurance Program (QAP) is to sample fuel on an annual basis. After tanks have been cleaned and fuel treated we now have a history of premium product choices.